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disaster relief ken and wayne trailerThe Admin Team has decided to make June “Disaster Relief Month” for our association. All of this month we are asking our churches to set aside a special time in their daily walk, meetings, and worship services to pray for our Disaster Relief Teams. TRBA has three teams that dedicate time and resources to minister to those experiencing natural and man-made disasters. We have two Chain saw/Mud Out teams. One is led by Ken Cummins (Emmanuel, Sandwich) and his crew and one is led by Alex Frandsen (Island City, Wilmington) and his team. 

Each of these crews provide their time, resources and skills to help in times of need. Many times they pay for their own equipment, travel, housing and meals from their own resources. Therefore, we are asking our churches to help in this very front line ministry. Each of these crews have needs for equipment and provisions.

Attached is the Ministry Wish List for these DR Units.

Listed some of the most pressing needs. There is a description of the item and the cost for the item. We are NOT asking you to purchase the item but to DONATE THE MONIES needed for the teams to make these purchases. Our teams know the specifics required for safety of our teams and for the durability of the equipment in addition to having contacts and relationships to purchase these items at a lower cost.

Please pray about how you and your church will help meet the needs of our DR teams. Please select items from the Wish List and then let TRBA office know what you would like to provide when you send in your donation. We will update the items still needed through the Newsletter. Do not overlook the fact that your church can make a monthly contribution to the DR Equipment FunDan Eddington

What is Disaster Relief?

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is a Christ-centered partnership of national, state and associational ministries serving through the local church to bring help, healing and hope to individuals and communities affected by disaster. The TRBA Disaster Relief Ministry is comprised of volunteers from all over the assoication who are committed to sharing the hope of Jesus with those whose lives have been impacted by disasters. Our folks are trained in the following areas of ministry: chainsaw, flood recovery/mudout, mass food preparation, chaplaincy, childcare, and shower unit workers.

Three Rivers Baptist Association in conjunction with Emmanuel Baptist Church of Sandwich have a chainsaw and flood recovery trailer unit. Ken Cummins and Bob Dyer are our Disaster Relief Coordinators.

If you or your church would like to volunteer in Disaster Relief please call:

Ken Cummins: (630) 546-2924

Bob Dyer (815) 545-6980

Dan Eddington (815) 725-7361

Disaster Relief Training Events:


Letter from Dr. Dan, May 2023, on  the tremendous loss of Disaster Relief volunteer, Wayne Laechelt,