The Church Strengthening Team's purpose is to equip, resource and encourage the pastors and leadership of the association churches to become "spritually healthy churches multiplying to radically transform communities for the Kingdom of God". The team has provided conferences, leadership training, open dialogues, books, etc. and work side by side with the Director of Mission providing education and training for the associational churches. The Church Strengthening Team also exists to provide specific support to meet needs, develop strategies, and promote healing and health.
God's Desire to Reach All People—Strong, healthy churches reflect our understanding of God's desire to reach all people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. New methods are required if we want to effectively reach people with the gospel. Strong churches are needed to reach people groups not currently reached by our churches in the association
Exponential Growth in Many Communities—Some of the fastest growing areas in Illinois (and in the nation) are within the area of Three Rivers Baptist Association. This growing population necessitates the strengthening of current and new churches.
Team Members:
- Andrew Post, Director 630/554-3875
- Kathy Schult
- Eric Johnson
- Tony Nguyen
- Carlos Jimenez
Past Open Dialogue Topics:
Past Leadership Training: