The Admin Team exists to glorify God and serve the churches Three Rivers Baptist Association by overseeing the Administrative concerns and needs of the association and to coordinate the work of all associational teams and ministries.
Vision— The Admin Team will serve the association as the task/mission coordinator, making sure that the plans and actions of each of the associational teams blend together and complement each other as we collectively work toward the achievement of the overall goal(s) and vision of the association as directed by the Executive Board.
Priority — The Admin Team will assist the Director of Missions in the development of an annual administrative plan for the work of the association (office, executive board, finances, etc.) in an effort to increase the efficiency and overall work of the association as set forth in its vision, goal(s) and purposes.
Policies —The Admin Team will annually review the policies and the protocols of the association and update them as needed.
Goals — The Admin Team and the Director of Missions will identify yearly goals. Other associational teams will develop strategies to address these specific goals.
Resources — The Admin Team will prioritize associational funds to accomplish the goals of Three Rivers Baptist Association Strategy through the budgeting process.
Accountability — The Admin Team is accountable to the Executive Board of Three Rivers Baptist Association.
The Association:
- By giving Administrative direction and guidance to the Association.
- By developing and maintainingthe Constitution, By-laws, Policy and Procedure Manuals for the association.
- By helping to manage all business affairs of the association in direct liaison with the Director of Missions and the Executive Board of Three Rivers Baptist Association.
- By working as the Budget and Stewardship Committee in developing the annual budget.
- As needed review all expenditures of association funds and monitor their correlation to general budget guidelines.
- By working with the Trustees to maintain all association property in good condition.
- By reporting to the Board any extraordinary maintenance required for approval and direction.
- By arranging for all insurance coverage for the associational property and staff.
- By conducting an annual Personnel Review of the Director of Missions
- By resourcing the churches in the area of ordaining and licensing of men to the Gospel Ministry.
- By helping our missions meet the credential requirements of Three Rivers Baptist Association.
- By planning all aspects of the Annual Meeting of Three Rivers Baptist Association.
TRBA will elect a Moderator and an Assistant Moderator who will serve as the leaders of the Admin Resource Team. The rest of the team will be recruited based upon gifts, passion and desire. Those recruited will be elected by the Executive Board. The Director of Missions and the Team Chairpersons will serve as ex-officio members with voting rights on the Admin Resource Team. The Admin Resource Team will be a team of leaders who have a through knowledge of church and associational government and organization.
The Admin Resource Team will relate directly to the Director of Missions. All decisions of the Admin Resource Team will be made with the knowledge and approval of the Director of Missions. The Admin Resource Team will keep the Director of Missions informed of all meetings, events and plans. The Admin Resource Team will assist the Director of Missions in strategy development, associational governance and strategic implementation.
The Admin Resource Team will relate to the churches of Three Rivers Baptist Association through newsletters, Executive Board meetings, conferencing, and direct communication with the pastors and executive board members of individual churches.
- David Peterman Moderator
- Rene Escalante Assistant Moderator
- Jeff Logsdon
- David Hughes
- John Mancha
- Vaughn Sanders